Why Us ?
When you choose Templar Securities (TS) you are choosing a better option to achieve how to protect what is important to you. With our global partners we recognize a need for better solutions to ever-growing crime, rioters, and looters.
Here at Templar Security we are constantly working to bring top-tier security technologies to you as a means of protecting your property from unwanted intrusions. As we say here at TS “Protecting you and the the things you care about”, and we sure do mean it.
Did you know, the average expected time for a theft is to be completed in four minutes! The average law enforcement response time is six minutes!
By thinking outside the box we have partnered with various partners to Implement our customers with cutting edge solutions. For example, for some of our customers we install, monitor, and service patented technology fogging systems to deter such illegal activities. These foggers take the advantage out of the criminal’s hands; and puts the security of your property firmly under your control. Because here at TS our mission is to protect you, and the things you care about.